Long Distance Relationships are hard work trust me guys. I have been in a long distance relationship for the past year and a half and it has been really tough on us but me and my fiance' always make it through any situations that may arise.
Just some back info
My fiance' and I have been together for a total of 5 years and 3 month and we have been through a lot together but what always brings us through is our love, respect and commitment to each other. He is actually my first real boyfriend he took my virginity and all and I am his first real girlfriend too. I mean he wasn't a virgin when I met him but he had never really had a relationship and was only with two girls before me.What I appreciate the most about our relationship is that we never rushed into anything and he never forced me to do anything that I never wanted to do. I met him when I was seventeen year old after I left high school and he was nineteen. We actually dated for a year and a half before having sex and I am happy that we did because we actually got the time to really know each other well and build a strong spiritual relationship before taking the next step. That's one of the reason why our relationship remains strong whether there is distance between us or not.
The truth of the matter is that a relationship based on sex only will likely meet up in problems when sex is taken away from relationship for long periods of time. So I am happy sex isn't the only thing that binds us together we have a deep spiritual relationship as well. He is my best friend and I can talk to him about absolutely everything. When we found out that his filing came through it was devastating to me because I didn't want him to leave, we were practically living together at the time. We talked thing through and reassure each other that nothing will change so I had to accept that he was leaving Jamaica to make a better life for us ( mark you I called like a baby the day he was leaving lol).
But through it all guys trust me there hasn't been any major change in our relationship, I talk to him like 20 times a day and we tell each other everything. We see each other like every 3 or 3 & 1/2 months either I go to the United States or he comes to Jamaica. The distance drives us nuts sometimes as we miss each other like crazy but we always stay strong. As you guys already know we are engaged to be married soon and we are super excited to begin the rest of our life together.
The moral of the story is that long distance relationship is not for everyone it takes alot of work but it can be successful if both persons are truly committed to each other.